Software Tools

A. Power Point

In class we were asked to create a Power Point interactive game using a template (provided) for the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" game, using content from our subject area and level. I created a game to practice the use of direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish, suitable for a high school Spanish 2 or 3 class. In so doing, I translated most of the text (except for that contained in .jpg files) into Spanish. The template included sounds to add realism to the game.  Below are screen shots of the game's opening page, a question page, and it's corresponding answer page.

For the complete set of slides go to

B.  An Excel Spreadsheet

We were also asked to take a bare-bones spreadsheet of a hypothetical elementary class's recycling project results and improve its format and add subtotals and averages.  For extra credit we could add charts or graphs.  A screen shot of this project is shown here.

For a list of application software, webtools, and technical skills in my toolkit, go here:

Since I have a good background in Microsoft Office applications, these exercises put me on familiar ground.  I have much more experience in Excel than in Power Point, however, and the complexity of this particular interactive PP had me working in new territory.  The biggest challenges there were writing the content questions, and getting the game to flow smoothly.  I discovered a couple of problems with the template and how to get around them.  The template allowed for 16 questions, and we were asked to do 6, so the challenge there was distributing the questions among the template pages to hit all the prize levels.  This is a game I plan to use in my own Spanish classes.  Having more than a week to come up with questions, I can do all 16 provided for, and can prepare question sets for various topics and levels.  While playing the game, the answers are recorded, so upon completion, a student can save the game and turn it in for assessment.  I look forward to using it in class.

Regarding the Excel exercise, I don't see much use for spreadsheets in a Spanish class, but I definitely can see its use in recording grades and laying out plans for my own use.  Having designed and used spreadsheets in my previous jobs, I do not anticipate problems in adapting spreadsheets for use as a teacher.

3.  Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.  a.) Teachers demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.